kITANI SAN, I am from California also. My church family visted Nagasaki city a few days ago, and returning home around the 15th of May. Would you like me to ask them if they visited the same route as yours and be able to give you any suggestions they might have?
00097 2006/04/30 07:50:57 Kitani Nagasaki Trip from Southern California
00096 2006/04/30 01:14:36 Sachiko Because Jesus died for me
Jesus died for me! I have joy in my heart, peace in my heart, love in my heart enough to share love to others just because my SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST died for me. What is life without JESUS. You must accept him into your life to experience good things in your life, no money can buy and replace these feelings you receive from JESUS. THANK YOU GOD THE FATHER, JESUS THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!
00084 2005/12/14 23:49:37 たからべ With you
The road looks long and dreary, the mountain way too high. I just can't seem to go on no matter how hard I try. But You, dear Lord, are with me, every day of the year, filling me with Your endless love, and I have nothing more to fear. Thank You, my dear Father, for the strength and love You bring. I know with You at my side I can face 'most anything.
00080 2005/11/11 00:37:17 たからべ Expressions of God's Love
Because God loves you, rain comes in the Spring, flowers bloom in virant hues, birds have a song to sing. Because God loves you, winter snow is white, trees are forever green stars shine every night! The universe was created by God's mighty hand. Every prayer is answered by His will and plan. The reason why the sun shines, why the sky above is blue, why faith makes all things because of God's love for you!
지난여름 귀한 사역에 함께한 전영숙 자매 입니다 정말 낮선곳에서의 사역가운데 많은은혜와 기쁨을 너무나 많이 누리고 돌아 왔습니다 우리위해 아들까지 아낌없이 내어주신 그분의 사랑에 매순간 감사하게 되었구요 여러곳곳의 땅밟기 사역을 하며 눈으로 보구 느꼈던 은혜또한 말루 표현할수 없었답니다~ 예수그리스도를 믿는 이유 하나만으로 박해당했던 믿음의 순교자들을 위해 기도합니다 그리구 우상으로 가득한 나가사키 뿐만아니라 일본땅을 위하여 기도하겠습니다 그땅의 모든이들을 너무나도 사랑하구 축복합니다 가난한자나 부유한자나 하나님 앞에선 모두가 공평한것처럼 이세상가운데 아주 귀한 존재로써의 삶이 되어지길 기도합니다
天におられる神様が 今でも 人々の救いを目指して下さり、御言葉を通して 我々の魂に 話ておられます。 あいうすばらしい御言葉を正しく伝える為に 教会が存在しています。 「私は この掲示板を見て、多くの人々は 神様に愛されている」 という風に 感じました。 自分の個人問題に対する御言葉も 「自分が昔から神様を信じてきたのに、逆に 困難な人生を生きているのは やはり おかしくなかった!」という事を やっと分かりました。 「信仰を持っていたからこそ 悩むのは当然だ!」。何故かというと、サタンの敵軍に入隊したからです。 エフェソへの手紙に記録されている神の御言葉が こう言いました: Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. だから悩むんだ!でも、近いうちに時が着たら 我々は 天におられる神様の許へ 行き、永遠に残ります。
00065 2005/03/30 12:17:01 たからべ Three Things In Life
Three things in life that, once gone, never come back---Time, Words & Opportunity. Three things in life that may never be lost---Peace, Hope & Honesty. Three things in life that are most valuable---Love, Faith & Prayer. Three things in life that are never certain---Dreams, Success & Fortune. Three things that make a man---Hard work, Sincerity & Commitment. Three things in life that can destroy a man---Lust, Pride & Anger. Three things in life that are truly constant---Father, Son and Holy Ghost.主なる神が私たちを祝福してくださるように,私たちは今日も祈ります。神様が私たちに進むべき道を示してくださるように,守ってくださるように,私たちはあなたへの道を歩きます。神さまの愛はいつも共にあり,約束されたことは真実となります。そして,すべてを神さまへ捧げるならば,あなたは神さまのご加護を知ることになるでしょう。愛をこめて シャローム
3連休もあり,とても幸せな1週間でした。水曜日には証しをさせていただき,日曜日はずっと行きたかった多良見伝道所を訪れる機会を与えていただきました。ICFでも司会をさせていただくことになりそうです。新しいことに挑戦するたびに,新たな出会いが生まれ,とても嬉しく思います。出会いは人を大きく成長させる神様からの贈り物です。一つ一つの出会いを大切に,そして与えられた役割を思いをこめて果たせることができますように。Ihe odds that I would meet you in this great big world were 6,000,000,000 to 1 It's a miracle we found each other.(この広い世界であなたに巡り会える確立は60億分の1.出会えたことは奇蹟だね。)新しい1日のはじまり,出会いのはじまり。シャローム
00063 this comment was deleted
00062 2005/01/16 23:33:01 たからべ For ICF
Feelin sorry to say that, but the time to change ICF members is coming soon. To inherit the Gospel that they keep telling at NBC, we need to unite and think 'bout the given role by God. Let's prepare for the time to develop ICF more and better. I love ICF, but God loves it more.
今年のクリスマスは週末にあたるので,ゆったりとした気分で迎えられます。いつも教会に行く日が楽しみです。最近は祈祷会やEnglish Vespers,Bible Studyにも行ってたくさんのクリスチャンと信仰をシェアできることがとても嬉しいです。3年ぶりに教会でクリスマス礼拝ができ,この場を借りて,長崎バプテスト教会へそして神様へ「ありがとうございます。」祝福されたクリスマスが多くの人へ届きますように。Happy Christmas and a new year!